
The North Dakota Department of Agriculture can provide education, marketing and management services to enable farmers, on-farm businesses, youth and ag-related industries the opportunity to create new wealth and income.

We can offer business development assistance in the following ways:

  • Provide opportunities to help develop and expand markets for agriculture producers.
  • Assist agriculture related businesses in marketing North Dakota products.
  • Provide education and marketing opportunities for Pride of Dakota companies. 
  • Provide opportunities for youth to become part of the future of rural North Dakota.

Click here for a detailed list of finance and tax incentive programs available to North Dakota businesses.

On the International front, the Busines, Marketing & Information Division helps send North Dakota representatives into foreign markets to provide information on North Dakota products and helping North Dakota companies establish contact with buyers. Domestically, the division helps groups of North Dakota companies attend the U.S. Food Export Shows, National Restaurant Show, Denver Stock Show and the Minneapolis Gift Show.