
The North Dakota Department of Agriculture is committed to addressing hunger in our state through the local foods initiative. With statewide partners, we have created a Hunger Free North Dakota Garden Project.

Everyone in the state is invited to become a part of the project and help your neighbors in need by donating fresh fruits and vegetables to food pantries, soup kitchens and other charitable community programs.

  • If you're a farmer or gardener, we encourage you to plant an extra row or acre of produce, or if you find yourself with extra produce, it can be donated to make a difference.
  • If you do not have a garden, we encourage you to purchase extra produce at your local farmers market to donate at a local drop off site.

This project will accomplish these fundamental goals:

  1. Grow and distribute a minimum of 500,000 pounds annually of fresh produce to North Dakota's food pantries, shelters and charitable organizations.
  2. Build a distribution system to supply ND with fresh and healthy produce.
  3. Recognize the quantities of fruits and vegetables grown in the state.
  4. Improve diets through donation and education.
  5. Connect local produce in communities through farmers and gardeners.
  6. Reduce food waste in our state.

The produce will be weighed and distributed in each community. The Great Plains Food Bank and the NDDA will coordinate the pounds donated throughout the harvest season.

Any produce donation is greatly appreciated but if you are considering planting some extra the below list might give you some good ideas.
• Beans
• Beets
• Carrots
• Corn
• Cucumbers
• Onions
• Peas
• Peppers
• Tomatoes
• Watermelon

If you have extra produce to donate contact your local food pantry to schedule a drop off time. For a full list of participating organizations, visit the link below.

Produce Donation Sites - Click Here

Learn how the program is making a difference and meeting a growing need in North Dakota.

30 second PSA

Related Resources

Related Resources

How to start a community garden in 7 easy steps

If you would like to become a donation site:

  1. Start by filling out the Produce Donation Site Registration.
  2. At the end of the season, fill out and send in your weigh-in form to help track donations

View or Register on the Local Foods Directory Map

Contact us for your free Hunger Free ND Garden Project sign or brochure at sends email) or 701-328-2659.

Hunger Free ND Garden Project Contacts

Hunger Free ND Garden Project Contacts

Jenna Nieters
Local Foods Marketing Specialist