Palmer Amaranth Uncrewed Aerial Systems Grant Program

Palmer Amaranth Uncrewed Aerial Systems Grant Program

The North Dakota Department of Agriculture is seeking grant proposals for drone detection of Palmer amaranth and other noxious weeds. The project(s) will focus on sugar beet and soybean fields in four counties during the 2024 growing season, including areas where Palmer amaranth has been previously detected. Multiple grants may be awarded.

Applicants should develop projects based on any of the following activities/criteria: 

  • Ability to identify individual Palmer amaranth plants at various stages of growth in North Dakota crops and landscapes.
  • Ability to distinguish between Palmer amaranth and other pigweed species.
  • Expansion of previous research projects conducted looking to identify Palmer amaranth using high resolution imagery, machine learning, and/or artificial intelligence.
  • Target areas include sugar beet and soybean fields in Traill, Richland, Barnes, and Cass counties or other priority sites.
  • Ability to spot spray an herbicide for control of Palmer amaranth in North Dakota.
  • Secondary Objectives if time and funding allow include:
    • Identification of other state listed noxious weeds
    • Identification of honey bee hives (boxes)

Proposals must adequately explain the objective of the project as outlined in the Request For Grant Proposals (RFGP). Proposals shall include a sufficiently detailed budget to explain how funds will be spent. Principal Investigator[s] names and contact information shall be included in the proposal. Proposals shall disclose other funding sources from other entities. The NDDA does not pay overhead or indirect costs on funded research grants.

Grant proposals will be reviewed by a grant review committee consisting of weed officers or representatives from impacted areas, ND Department of Agriculture (NDDA) noxious weed specialist, plant protection officer, and plant industries division director.

Proposals must be received by Feb. 2, 2024, at noon CST. Materials are below:

All Grant Proposals must be sent to:

Richard Weisz, Noxious Weeds Specialist
North Dakota Department of Agriculture
600 East Boulevard Ave, Dept. 602
Bismarck, ND 58505-0020

OR email to sends email)

Please direct any questions to the above address or contact Richard Weisz at (701) 328-2250.

UAS Grant Contact

UAS Grant Contact

Charles Elhard
Plant Protection Officer
North Dakota Department of Agriculture
600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 602
Bismarck, ND 58505-0020
701-220-0485 sends email)