The North Dakota Department of Agriculture has a Pesticide Outreach Specialist who is available to assist pesticide dealers, users, and repackaging facilities to come into compliance with state and federal regulations.
This position is a non-regulatory position and visits remain confidential, the purpose is to point out any compliance shortfalls that the pesticide regulators look for so you can fix the issue before the inspector visits you. There is no communication between the outreach specialist and the regulatory staff on anything that is found.
The Outreach Specialist is available for large or small group presentations or available to do one on one outreach. If you have a meeting coming up and would like a speech regarding pesticides, do not hesitate to contact us.
The goal is to dramatically increase our level of education and outreach to decrease the number of violations and incidents. The object is to get you into compliance before the inspector comes to your facility.
Related Resources
Pesticide Compliance Assistance Contacts
Lukas Wagner
Pesticide & Fertilizer Division Director