
The North Dakota Department of Agriculture's pipeline restoration and reclamation oversight program connects landowners and tenants experiencing pipeline reclamation and restoration issues with an independent ombudsman.

After notification of the issue, the ombudsman will conduct an on-site examination with the landowner or tenant to assess the situation. The ombudsman will then prepare a written report, contact the pipeline company detailing the findings and work with all parties to resolve the issues in a satisfactory and timely manner.

The program also provides educational outreach to help landowners/tenants consider things such as pipeline pathways, type of pipeline installation, soil impacts, type of vegetation being reestablished, timelines and other issues before signing agreements.

The names of surface owners and surface tenants who receive assistance under the program are closed records as defined in section 44-04-17.1 of the North Dakota Century Code. The identity of those requesting or receiving assistance will remain confidential. Names will not be shared with anyone outside of the North Dakota Department of Agriculture.

If you are a landowner or tenant and need help with pipeline restoration and reclamation please fill out the online form:

Pipeline Restoration and Reclamation Program Request Form

Pipeline Restoration and Reclamation Program Evaluation Form


If you have questions on the program you can call the special programs line at (701) 328-5110 and select option 4 or email us at sends email)

Pipeline Restoration and Reclamation Oversight Program Coordinator

Pipeline Restoration and Reclamation Oversight Program Coordinator

Ron Webb
Program System Specialist

600 East Boulevard Ave. Dept. 602
Bismarck, ND 58505
701-328-5110 sends email)