2023 Honey Bee Research Grants

2023 Honey Bee Research Grants

The North Dakota Department of Agriculture (NDDA) is seeking grant proposals for research devoted to finding practical solutions to honey bee health problems. Multiple grants may be awarded. Proposals funding partial projects and proposals providing valuable extensions of previously funded projects will be considered.

Applicants are invited to respond to this request by submitting a proposal for the following research priorities:

  • Tropilaelaps mites
  • Varroa mites
  • Honey bee nutrition
  • Nosema
  • Genetics and breeding

Proposals should not exceed 10 pages. Proposals must adequately explain the objective of the study, the experimental approach sufficiently detailed to allow critical evaluation of feasibility. Proposals shall include a sufficiently detailed budget to explain how funds will be spent. Principal Investigator[s] names and contact information shall be included in the proposal. Proposals shall disclose other funding sources from other entities. The NDDA does not pay overhead or indirect costs on funded research grants.

Each grant proposal in response to this request must include the following:

A. Honey Bee Research Funding Request Form

B. A complete summary of the project including rational and how the objectives will be met

C. Detailed budget

D. Information about previous research experience and qualifications

E. Additional information that is considered pertinent and will enhance the quality of the proposal

Proposals must be received on or before Nov. 17, 2023. Materials are below:

All Grant Proposals must be sent to:

Samantha Brunner, State Apiary Inspector
North Dakota Department of Agriculture
600 East Boulevard Ave, Dept. 602
Bismarck, ND 58505-0020

OR email to bees@nd.gov

Please direct any questions to the above address or contact Samantha Brunner at (701) 328-4765.

Honey Bee Research and Promotion Grants Contacts

Honey Bee Research and Promotion Grants Contacts

Samantha Brunner
Plant Industries Division Director / State Apiary Inspector
North Dakota Department of Agriculture
600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 602
Bismarck, ND 58505-0020