Monday, April 6, 2020 Categories:

BISMARCK – Agriculture and food have been deemed essential industries by the Department of Homeland Security, and Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring reminds people that beekeepers and their employees are included in that definition.

“When you see beekeepers working in apiaries or riding in trucks together, understand that they are engaged in the production of food,” Goehring said. “They live and work together like family. Our producers also work closely with each other during calving and planting season. These professions are not conducive to social distancing.”

“We understand that a lot of beekeepers are returning to the state from other states and they have been asked to isolate from the public, but understand that they still have to care for and manage their bees.” Goehring said. “In the event that someone is ill, we ask that beekeepers respond accordingly and isolate themselves.”
