Wednesday, July 17, 2019

BISMARCK – The North Dakota Department of Agriculture (NDDA) is gathering information on plant damage that may have been caused by the in-crop use of the herbicide Dicamba on soybeans.

“Although we’ve haven’t had any formal Dicamba-related complaints this year, we are launching the survey to collect data about any possible damage,” Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring said. “We will compare the data with previous years to look for trends and help determine whether existing regulations are working or not.”

July 10 was the last date that Dicamba applications could be made in the state this year.

The survey may be found at

Information gathered from the survey is anonymous, will not be used for pesticide enforcement against applicators and no penalties will be issued based on it. Those wishing to file a formal pesticide complaint should go to

Goehring encouraged those with damage to follow up with the chemical representative for the product that was used, if known.