Thursday, January 27, 2022

BISMARCK – The Tormaschy Dairy Farm of Richardton received the 2021 Commissioner’s Award of Dairy Excellence during the 2022 North Dakota Dairy Convention, held recently in Bismarck.

Toby and Heidi Tormaschy have been milking cows north of Richardton since 2008, along with four young daughters. Currently at 65 Holsteins, they have plans to add Jersey heifers this summer.

“Toby and Heidi have consistent, high-quality milk and a remarkable inspection record,” Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring said. “Despite the challenges, it is encouraging to know that the Tormaschy family is committed to the dairy lifestyle and producing an excellent product for consumers.”

Toby has been engaged in the industry through the Midwest Dairy Association, the Dairy Farmers of America resolutions committee and attendance at meetings of the North Dakota Dairy Promotion Commission.

The Tormaschy Dairy Farm is a Grade A member of Dairy Farmers of America and their milk is processed into specialty cheeses in Pollock, SD.