Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Agriculture Diversification and Development Fund Committee will meet at 9:00 a.m. MDT, Wednesday, July 31 in the Medora Community Center, 465 Pacific Ave., Medora, ND.


9:00 a.m.      Call to Order


Business Meeting:

Election of Officers



Guidelines and Application

Application Extension


9:30 a.m.          Red River Potatoes, LLC – Grand Forks, ND – Jack Wiegand 

Total Project: $3,702,410        Requested: $500,000 


9:50 a.m.          Pingree Transload, LLC – Pingree, ND – Carl & Julie Peterson 

Total Project: $15,000,000      Requested: $500,000 


10:10 a.m.        North American Bison, LLC – New Rockford, ND – Jim Wells 

Total Project: $300,000           Requested: $250,000 


10:30 a.m.        Badlands Feeds LLC – Dickinson, ND – Heather Buckman 

Total Project: $494,000           Requested: $350,000 


10:50 a.m.        Break


11:10 a.m.        O. C. Schulz & Sons, Inc. – Crystal, ND – David Moquist 

Total Project: $300,000           Requested: $283,762 


11:30 a.m.        Farmented Foods Inc. – Fargo, ND – Vanessa Williamson 

Total Project: $550,408           Requested: $500,000 


11:50 a.m.        The Dairy Dozen-Milnor, LLP – Milnor, ND – Richard Millner 

Total Project: $2,947,331        Requested: $500,000 


12:10 p.m.       Lunch 


1:00 p.m.          Discussion / Funding Decisions


2:00 p.m.          Adjourn