Friday, June 17, 2022

BISMARCK – At their recent board meeting, the North Dakota State Board of Animal Health granted an official ID exemption for North Dakota heifer calves sold out of state at auction but returned to the state.

The exemption reads as follows:

Heifer calves less than or equal to 12 months of age from North Dakota which are sold at an out-of-state border livestock market can return to the state without being officially identified, provided the consigning North Dakota producer’s name and address is listed on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI).

To return to North Dakota, a CVI is needed, which includes the number of head and the name and address of the North Dakota seller. All brand inspection requirements must also be met.

exemption will limit the need to handle cattle and streamline requirements for North Dakota origin calves whether sold through in-state or out-of-state markets. For the purposes of this exception, border markets are those markets where North Dakota Brand Inspectors are stationed. Concerns or questions should be directed to the North Dakota Department of Agriculture’s Animal Health Division at 701-328-2655.