BISMARCK – Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) has been confirmed in Emmons County in south central North Dakota. A crop scout brought a suspect sample to the local North Dakota State University Extension office, who submitted samples for DNA analysis to the National Agricultural Genotyping Center, where it was confirmed as Palmer amaranth.
This is the second finding this year. Palmer amaranth was found in Grant County in late August.
“I strongly encourage agricultural producers to monitor millet plantings for Palmer amaranth, as that may again be the likely source of infestation,” Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring said. “With harvest season in full swing, farmers are encouraged to scout fields and clean excess dirt and plant debris off equipment between fields to prevent unintentional spread.”
Palmer amaranth was confirmed last year in five counties. Those sites continue to be monitored for Palmer amaranth. This latest finding brings the total number of counties to seven. More information on Palmer amaranth and other noxious and invasive weeds is available at https://www.nd.gov/ndda/plant-industries/noxious-weeds.
To find out where Palmer amaranth has been found, go to https://www.nd.gov/ndda/pa. This website will be updated if additional counties are affected. Producers are encouraged to contact their local county weed officer or North Dakota State University Extension agent to report suspect plants.