Thursday, April 4, 2024 - 12:00 pm

BISMARCK - The Crop Protection Product Harmonization and Registration Board will meet at 1 p.m., Tuesday, April 16, in the North Dakota Department of Agriculture’s 6th floor conference room at the State Capitol.

If you would like the call-in information, please contact Michelle Mielke at 701-328-2233 prior to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, April 16, 2024.


  1. Call to Order – Chairman Jeff Topp
  2. Roll Call and Proof of Quorum
  3. Approval of Dec. 11, 2023, Minutes
  4. Minor Use Pesticide Fund Grant Budget Report: Lukas Wagner
  5. Pesticide Harmonization Grant Program Budget Report: Lukas Wagner
  6. Consideration of New Minor Use Fund Requests
    1. Optimizing fungicide application timing, interval and frequency for improved white mold management in dry beans: Dr. Michael Wunsch, NDSU
    2. Evaluation of pesticide compounds to manage bacterial leaf blight of field peas: Dr. Venkataramana Chapara, NDSU

  7. Adjourn

The Crop Protection Product Harmonization and Registration Board is responsible for identifying and prioritizing crop protection product labeling needs and pursuing any opportunity to make more crop protection product options available to agricultural producers in the state of North Dakota.