Thursday, February 22, 2024

The Agriculture Diversification and Development Fund Committee will meet at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, Feb. 28, at the Radisson Hotel, 605 E. Broadway Ave., Bismarck, ND.

10:00 a.m.       Call to Order

Business Meeting:

  • Minutes
  • Financials
  • Other

 10:30 a.m.      Square Butte Farm – Center, ND – Joshua Albers
                         Total Project: $1,703,510       Requested: $500,000 

10:50 a.m.       Rhino Meat Processing LLC – Esmond, ND – Ryno Conradie
                        Total Project: $437,932          Requested: $191,932 

11:10 a.m.       NoKota Packers, Inc. – Buxton, ND – Carissa Olsen
                       Total Project: $1,546,536        Requested: $500,000 

11:30 a.m.       Three Farm Daughters LLC – Grand Forks, ND – Mollie Ficocello
                        Total Project: $970,729          Requested: $500,000 

11:50 a.m.       Working Lunch 

1:00 p.m.         Dakota Draff, LLC – McKenzie, ND – Jay Doan
                        Total Project: $978,767          Requested: $500,000 

1:20 p.m.         Country Sunshine, Inc. – Aneta, ND - Jim Larsgaard
                        Total Project: $189,545          Requested: $184,545 

1:40 p.m.         Associated Potato Growers, Inc. – Grand Forks, ND – Mike Torgerson
                        Total Project: $1,032,630       Requested: $500,000 

2:00 p.m.         Real Good Cookies – Grand Forks, ND – Sarah Horak
                        Total Project: $1,000,000       Requested: $500,000 

2:20 p.m.         Break 

2:40 p.m.         Badlands Hemp – Taylor, ND – Shane Weber
                         Total Project: $496,333          Requested: $496,333 

3:00 p.m.         Two Track Malting, LLC – Bismarck, ND – Jared Stober
                         Total Project: $11,453,842     Requested: $500,000 

3:20 p.m.         Funding Decision