Tuesday, December 10, 2024

BISMARCK, N.D. - Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring has announced North Dakota Agricultural Products Utilization Commission (APUC) awards for five projects. The awards totaling $475,040 were approved at the APUC quarterly meeting Nov. 21 in Bismarck.

APUC is a program of the North Dakota Department of Agriculture that administers grant programs for research and development of new and expanded uses for North Dakota agricultural products which support the development of concepts and products that support our rural communities and agriculture operations. The grants can be used for basic and applied research, marketing and utilization, farm diversification, nature-based agritourism, prototype and technology and technical assistance.

The following received approval:

Dakota Don’s Artisan Waffles, LLC was awarded $12,000 to develop high-protein and gluten-free waffle mixes. Contact Don Miller at 701-885-9082.

BI Biorefinery, LLC was awarded $205,000 to assist with restoring operations of an ethanol processing facility. Contact Drew Leehan at 701-317-2306.

Smoke Wagon Meats, LLC was awarded $150,000 to establish a meat processing facility near Walhalla, ND. Contact Autumn Bennett at 701-370-1036.

North Dakota Department of Agriculture was awarded $81,000 to assist North Dakota companies in promoting their products at domestic trade shows. Contact Shanna Johnson at 701-390-7515.

Lake Agassiz Regional Council was awarded $27,040 to develop an odor footprint tool for North Dakota. Contact Mitch Calkin at 701-235-1197.

APUC will hold its next grant application hearing on Feb. 26-27, 2025, in Bismarck. Applications for the next meeting must be received by Jan. 1, 2025.

For additional information, please visit https://www.ndda.nd.gov/apuc.