BISMARCK, N.D. – Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring has announced Agriculture Diversification and Development (ADD) Fund awards for three projects. The awards totaling $832,430 were approved at the ADD quarterly meeting Feb. 26 in Bismarck.
The ADD Fund is administered by the North Dakota Department of Agriculture. The fund was created to support new or expanding value-added-agriculture businesses that demonstrate financial feasibility, enhance profitability for the industry, create jobs and grow North Dakota’s economy. Types of projects eligible for the fund include but are not limited to agriculture product manufacturing and animal production facilities, commodity processing facilities, and food production and processing facilities. Feed or pet food processing facilities may be eligible.
The following received approval:
KT Cattle Feeders was awarded $250,000 to finish and market cattle on a year-round basis. Contact Kevin Throener at 701-680-1632.
Cows and Co Creamery was awarded $200,000 to increase the volume of dairy products produced. Contact Casey Murphy at 701-652-5457.
VanBedaf Dairy was awarded $382,430 to increase milk production and facilitate segregation from A2A2 protein cows. Contact Piet Van Bedaf at 701-650-0162.
ADD will hold its next grant application hearing on May 28-29, 2025, in Minot. Applications for the next meeting must be received by April 1, 2025.
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