
Cattle imported on an approved electronic certificate of veterinary inspection platform, not originating in an area classified as infected with contagious disease by the board or state veterinarian, may be exempt from the requirement for an importation permit number.

All Cattle - Simplified from NDAC 48.1-05-01-01


a.    Cattle originating directly from a producer's premises, not diverted en route, and consigned to an auction market approved by the board;
b.    Cattle consigned to a state or federally inspected slaughtering establishment;
c.    Cattle granted an exception by the board, if in the determination fo the state veterinarian the animals are free of contagious or infections diseases;
d.    Cattle leaving the state for exhibition or competition with a valid certificate of veterinary inspection may return to the state with the same certificate of veterinary     inpsection if the animal has not been out of the state for more than thirty days; and 
e.    Other cattle as otherwise provided for by these rules.

a.    Cattle on an approved electronic CVI
b.    Steers >4 months 
c.    Heifers >4 months and <12 months
d.    Spayed heifers with official spay tag or spay statement from a veterinarian

a.    All intact cattle regardless of age 
b.    All exhibition and rodeo cattle 
c.    All dairy cattle
d.    All calves <4 months of age 

*ND origin cattle sold at an auction market inspected by ND Brand officials may return to ND without ID within 72 hours of sale, if the origin owner and complete address are documented on the CVI

a.    Breeding age females

  • “Virgin heifer(s)” OR
  • “Cow(s) or heifer(s) are confirmed pregnant OR
  • “Not confirmed pregnant and must be held in a dry lot for feeding and direct to slaughter only.”

b.    Bulls of all ages:

  • “Virgin bull(s) <24 months of age and has(have) had no potential breeding contact with females.” OR
  • “The bull(s) tested negative on PCR withing 60 days prior to entry with no female contact since qualifying test.”
  • “The bull(s) have had three consecutive negative Trichomonas foetus culture tests which were at least a week apart.”

c.    Calves <4 months of age not accompanying dam

  • “Calves cannot be resold for 60 days.”
AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MA, MN, MS, MO, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, VT, VA, WV, WImore info...more info...more info...
CT, DE, HI, ME, MD, NV, UT, WAmore info...more info...more info...
MImore info...more info...more info...
ID, MT, WYmore info...more info...more info...
CANADAmore info...more info...more info...
MEXICOmore info...more info...more info...

Official Individual ID required on all sexually intact cattle and all cattle used for exhibition purposes. Acceptable forms of Official ID include:

  • USDA Silver tags
  • Official Brucellosis (Bangs) vaccination tags
  • USDA Approved Radio Frequency Identification Tags

Veterinarians who issue Certificate of Veterinary Inspections (CVI) are asked to make one of the following statements on the CVI they sign for breeding age animals entering North Dakota:

Breeding Age Females:

  1. "Virgin Heifers", OR
  2. "Cows and/or heifers are confirmed pregnant", OR
  3. "Not confirmed pregnant and must be held in a dry lot for feeding and direct to slaughter only."

Bulls (any age):

  1. "The bull(s) represented on this CVI have three consecutive negative Trichomonas foetus culture tests which were at least a week apart." OR
  2. “The bull(s) represented on this CVI have one or more negative PCR tests within 60 days prior to entry and there has been no female contact since the first qualifying test." OR
  3. "Virgin bulls aged 24 months of age or less and bull(s) have had no potential breeding contact with females." (Statement must be signed by owner or herd manager)

Please call 701-328-2655 for any questions.